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Patti Gerlek

Patti Gerlek M.A. is a certified Tai Chi Instructor and Level 3 Qi Gong Instructor with 12 years of experience and over 7 years of teaching for the Tai Chi and Qi Gong Healing Institute in Sarasota and Tai Chi with Patti G. 



She is educating the community on the many health benefits of this gentle, slow moving meditation practice. Specializing in the therapeutic value of both internal practices, Patti brings her passion for these healing arts to her classes.


What is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is a gentle exercise, also called "Moving Meditation," and was developed in China over 4000 years ago. It involves whole-body movements, mind focus and deep breathing that opens the body energy pathways, promotes smooth energy flow and restores harmony. Qi Gong benefits body, mind and spirit. Participants will learn basic Qi Gong principles and the first 6 movements of Therapeutic Qi Gong. 

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